Kolkata, 29th July, 2024: Jhore Jole Jongole an ecofriendly resort, initiated by the Techno India Group. Jhore Jole Jongole hosted a panel discussion- “ Sahitye Jongole Bagh” on the special occasion of the ‘World Tiger’s Day’ . The panellist consisted of Ms.Moupia Nandy Mr. Arindam Sil, and Mr. Saikat Mukhopadhaya. The discussion was moderated by Prof. Manoshi Roychowdhury, Co- Chairperson of Techno India Group.
The panel discussion mainly focused on the conservation of tigers along with its habitat while incorporating insights of art and literature. Further exploring the intersection of nature, art and literature, it is emphasized on spreading awareness about the various themes on wildlife conservation as it is one of the most important topics in the present, keeping in mind the future of the ecosystem.
“It was a privilege for us to present such an enriching talk session with the esteemed personalities whose contribution is remarkable in this specific area. Today, the protection of the tigers and the entire wildlife population of India is a major subject of concern. Nowadays, from the wildlife conservationist enthusiasts to the ordinary youths all are coming forward with innovative ideas and inimitable measures for the sake of balancing the chain of the eco system. Through this panel discussion we have tried to reach as much people as we can so that we all can work together to frame a better world where the animals and humans can live in harmony,” said Prof. Manoshi Roychowdhury.
The panel discussion lasted for nearly one and a half hour. The initiative shed light on the laws in favour of wildlife preservation and potential legal measures to restrict poaching. The serene connection between mother nature and the innocent animals as creatively portrayed by the literature along with the wild yet glorious beauty of the jongol and its connection with the human population.
The talk session held at Jhore Jole Jongole was a successful endeavour by Techno India Group to mark the occasion of World Tiger Day. An art competition on wildlife was also held on which the students of Techno India Group participated.
The Jhore Jole Jongole Resort is situated along the banks of rivers in the serene beauty of the lush green wilderness of the Sunderbans National Park. It offers a majestic experience of witnessing wildlife as well as a taste of nature.
Jhore Jole Jongole Hosts A Panel Discussion “ Sahitye Jongol O Bagh” On TheOccasion Of World Tiger Day.

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