The Story Of an Unhappy Crow

-Ankita Halder, BBA(HM) 1st year, Techno Main Salt Lake (309)

Once upon a time there was a crow. The problem with him was that he was black. He was really sad and unhappy in life because of his color. So, he was crying. Suddenly, a monk has seen that the crow was crying. So, the monk asked the crow, “why are you crying? ” The crow said what to do if not cry? Is it really a life, that I’m living? It is really a color? The black! No one likes black, no one likes me, no one likes to have a crow as pet. Did you see anyone to have a crow as pet? No one gives me food. I spend most of my time in the garbage. See the God made me a crow. So, I hate my life!
The monk said what do you want to became if you get another chance? “I will make you that thing I will fulfill your wish”.The crow said, If I get another chance so I would like to be a swan, A white swan! White, The symbol of peace! The monk said I will make you a swan before that I want you to meet the swan once. So, the crow goes and meet the swan and said to him, “You look amazing you must be happy in life! ” He said who said you that I’m happy? The crow said are you not? Not at all . There are so many beautiful colors in the world. But I don’t have any colors. White is nothing! I think the parrot must be the happiest bird in the world. It’s so colorful. Hearing this the crow flew away and reach the parrot. Oh! Parrot he said you are so colorful and beautiful. You must be the happiest bird in the world.
The parrot said, “No my friend. I’m not happy”. People keep parrots in cages. I’m always afraid that someone may hold me and lock me in a cage. I think peacock is the happiest once. He is more colorful than me. Hearing this the crow flew around looking for a peacock. He finally found a peacock in a cage in the zoo. Hundreds of people had gathered to see him. After they left he approached the peacock and said, Dear peacock you are so beautiful! A lot of people came to see you. The crow said, Look at me when they see me; they immediately shoo me away. I think you are the happiest bird on the planet. The peacock replied, I always thought I was the most beautiful and happiest bird in the world. But because of my beauty, I’m trapped in this zoo. When people pluck my colorful feathers to make decorative things. It hurt’s a lot. I’m not happy my friend. The crow was surprised. He asked him, if you are not happy, then who is the happiest bird in the world?
The peacock said, I examined the zoo very carefully and realize that you, the crow are the only bird are not kept in a cage. People don’t try to catch or entrap you. Hearing this the crow came back to the monk. For the first time the crow was happy to be a crow. He said to the monk, “I don’t want to be anything else! I’m fine as I am”.

[Moral : Don’t compare yourself with anyone in life. If you do. So, you will be the saddest person in the world. ]